Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A different kind of election. - October 29th, 2008

Senator Barack Obama has a 53-43 percent lead over John McCain according to a recent ABC News poll. He's also leading a different kind of race: Halloween masks sales., an online Haloween store, reports in its Presidential Mask Poll Obama's mask is outselling McCain's by a margin of 55-45 percent.

Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates are some of the most popular costumes this Halloween. At Dougherty's Masquerade in Syracuse, John McCain and Sarah Palin masks are scarce on the racks, and buying an Obama mask is even tougher.

"We had quite a few of them. They sold literally within a couple of days. We had a list of people waiting for them" says Jen Ortiz, an employee at Dougherty's Masquerade.

Sales of Obama masks currently top Mccain mask sales by roughly 30 percent in New York State, according to the poll.

Want to be Sarah palin this Halloween, click below

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