Oct 29 2008 Halloween fun is right around the corner, but not everyone needs a costume to look scary on this special day.
A bit scary, huh? But do they really deserve this notorious fame?
“People always assume they’re going to have salmonella. They’re dirty,” said Carl Ackerbauer, owner of Ack’s Exotic Pets store in Cicero. “I think it’s just hearsay. They get that misconception in their mind and they just don’t know the truth behind it. So they get scared and get nervous, but they really should not be worried at all.”
And more and more people are in fact learning about the “truth” behind exotic animals. Ackerbauer said his store is the only one in Central New York that sells hedgehogs and many other exotic animals, and hedgehog sales have doubled over the past two years. Right now he sells an average of six to ten hedgehogs, four birds and three boas every month. He says the Internet definitely plays a major role in people's rising interest
But Ackerbauer also said information on the Internet may not always be accurate, and there have been a few cases where his customers bought exotic pets home, only to find out a couple days later that these animals were not what they had expected. But he said there are several ways to avoid surprises like these.
“Do research. Come in and talk to us or talk to people who’ve had them!” said Ackerbauer.
But owning an exotic pet comes with a price. Although you will save some cash and a couple trips from going to the vet, since most exotic animals do not require shots or annual checkups that cats and dogs do, they are still generally more expensive. For example, a guinea pig is about six to ten dollars, but a hedgehog of about the same size can cost up to 125 dollars, before tax.
So once again, if you’re thinking about joining the trend, and buy a pet that’s not going to bark in the middle of the night or repetitively scratch your living room carpet- talk to people, do you homework, and then decide if an exotic animal is right for you.
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